Here’s Metallica’s James Hetfield Narrating A Documentary About Porn Addiction

It’s Sad But True that porn addiction is a rising problem in society. Many men in particular are Hardwired to self-pleasure with the aid of the internet’s fathomless storehouse of X-rated content. And for some, it becomes an addiction that can spell Creeping Death for any relationship. Others can’t even make their Atlas, Rise! or manage to Load/Reload without the aid of hardcore porn, and orgasm through the act of good old fashioned intercourse can be like the day that never comes.

Thankfully, James Hetfield is here to help. The Metallica frontman has leant his voice to a controversial new documentary all about porn addiction, entitled Addicted To Porn: Chasing The Cardboard Butterly, which explores all these issues and more.

According to its producers (via Alt Press) the Justin Hunt-directed doco presents a “unique, controversial film dissecting the issue of pornography, its effect on society and how it’s perceived around the globe”.

It’s available now via digital outlets, including iTunes.

Catch the trailer, featuring Master Of Narrators James Hetfield spitting out the bone he has to pick with pornography, below.



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