Hudson Chooses To ‘Bow Out’ Of Homophobic Attack Claim

The kerfuffle over Faker frontman Nathan Hudson’s allegations that he was assaulted in a homophobic attack after a gig at Launceston venue the Hotel New York has taken a new twist with Hudson issuing a statement that he doesn’t want the incident to appear “less substantial” because he was drunk.

The venue told their side of the story in no uncertain terms after Hudson had taken to Twitter to make the allegations, followed up by a more detailed description of the incident in the Star Observer. The Hotel New York responded by saying Hudson was extremely intoxicated and that it would have been unlawful to allow him access to the pub, the point at which the incident is alleged to have taken place.

In a new statement released by Hudson, he has said that he will not be taking the matter further as he did not want the fact that alcohol was involved to get in the way of the issue of an alleged homophobic attack.

He said, “There are a number of discrepancies between my claim and the story offered on the website of the Hotel New York. This is not entirely unexpected, but I do have some aversion to making this event, which was quite painful to me, into a public dissection.

“On this occasion, I will manage to cope with having been assaulted, it’s happened to me before, on other occasions, in different circumstances. What I do have real trouble with, is the possibility that the fight against homophobia could be tempered by the reporting of an incident which may appear to be less substantial due to the involvement of alcohol. For this reason I’m choosing to bow out of further public comment on this incident. Thank you to all of the people who have sent through or given their support. Nathan.”

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