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IKEA Has Officially Turned Down Kanye’s Offer To Collab On Furniture

Well, IKEA officially doesn’t love Kanye like Kanye loves Kanye.

Kanye West‘s personality and ego have reached a point where very little that he says seems to shock anyone anymore. But few probably anticipated that he’d offer his services to Swedish furniture supergiant IKEA, proposing that he’d quite like to design furniture for the company at some point in the future.

Following his interview on BBC Radio 1 yesterday, in which he said “Yo IKEA, allow Kanye to create, allow him to make this thing because you know what, I want a bed that he makes, I want a chair that he makes — I want more products from Ye,” the IKEA Australia jumped on the chance for some publicity. “Hej Kanye, we’d love to see what you’d create…we could make you Famous!” they said in a Facebook post.

Unfortunately the move has now officially been vetoed by an official representative for the company. Speaking to CNBC, the rep said “At IKEA we are constantly curious about different people, companies, artists and events around the world. To have these connections and inspiring meetings is an important way for us to find new ways to create a better everyday life for the many people.”

“Although we are really flattered by Kanye West’s high interest in IKEA and the speculation around a joint venture, we have no plans to collaborate at this point in time.”

In other, more musical news – Kanye crashed another Drake show recently, and confirmed that they’re making an album together.

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