Knives Thrown At Heatwave Festival Acts

The Heatwave Festival kicked of in South Australia on the weekend and things did not run smoothly. Ticket sales were poor and D12 failed to turn up for their set after missing their flights.

Now one of the acts who were playing at the festival have complained about a lack of security after they had knives thrown at them while they were on stage. Remz from the group Gravity Ponds slammed the Heatwave organisers on the Heatwave Facebook page, writing:

I think this is more of a SECURITY PROBLEM actually, seeings performers are getting KNIVES wove at them while playing!!! where were the metal detectors? We continued our set no matter what… Why werent these 6 people taken away immediatly? I agree with the self control to a certain extent but when there is someone in the crowd with an actual knife someone needs to step in NOT the acts…Can u even imagine what tech9 or obie trice or ANY act would do if that were them? No artist will put up with that shit…

The festival will head to Brisbane on Tuesday and organisers are pushing tickets furiously on their Facebook page, however they are yet to confirm whether D12 will play or not. Lets hope they beef up security …

Update: A spokesperson from Heatwave Festival has contacted us regarding the event, stating:

No knives were thrown and Security heavily investigated this incident…SAPOL and St Johns both indicated many times how happy they where with the event. We where well over 1 guard per 100 people as well.

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