Labor, Liberal and Greens Deputy Leaders To Host ‘Rage’ Election Special

The music industry has once again become a plaything for the pollies in the lead up to the Federal Election, with Deputy Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Julie Bishop and Adam Bandt – the deputy leaders of Australia’s three major political parties – set to appear as hosts for an special Election edition of rage, expected to air Saturday, 31st August.

Albo, a noted music lover, hit the iconic set to record his spot last Friday, tweeting a pic of himself on the red couch just after he wrapped. We can expect good some good stuff from him, too – The Daily Telegraph reports Albanese, 50, is expected to feature The Smiths, the Triffids, PJ Harvey, Hunters and Collectors, Pixies and Joy Division as part of his playlist. also reports that deputy Opposition leader Julie Bishop and the Greens’ Adam Bandt will be programming the same edition of the programming. Although there’s no word on specific content from either of those two, rage reps told News Ltd that “they all picked artists that will surprise a lot of the viewers… Between them there are some absolute classics and some very cool alternative choices too.”

In the past week or so, we’ve seen election-related issues bleed their way into Australia’s music media. Late last week we had The Preatures’ censorship upset, where a picture of singer Isabella Manfredi used to promote APRA’s Vanda And Young Songwriting Competition was doctored by parties unknown to remove a political message from her T-shirt.

We also had that horrid segment featuring Katy Perry on 2DayFm, where Opposition Leader Tony Abbott was given the opportunity to publicise his cause ask the tween idol some questions, which soon turned into an awkward squawkathon when Perry turned the tables on Abbott in regards to his stance on gay marriage.

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