Look Right featuring TED & FRANCIS live (Kitsune) at Q Bar 8th of August

What happens when two suburban Australian boys meet at a young age and bond over a shared love for all things polar and New Order?

No, not gay s6x – rather they form a neu wave group, get busy in the studio, get a name for themselves and get gigging. So with that on the fly is proud to present one of the brightest and tightest electronic groups to emerge over the past year or so, with Ted & Francis headlining their next Look Right jamm. And with an EP out recently on omni-present French electro/disco label Kitsune, remixes for Sebastien Tellier and Empire of the Sun, Ted’s voice featured on the Bag Raiders meandering lilt / smash ‘Shooting Stars’ and a new live show, you know you’re gonna dig this – playing alongside the local psyche rock / neu wave group everyone’s talking about Ghoul, Booty Basement from the Valley in San Francisco (who’s night ‘The Worst Music Ever’ won a “Best of the Bay” Award this year) and local jock / jockettes Softwar, tha Fizz, KissKiss, Little Bambalam, Mehow and Dead Mike. Saturday 8 August at Q Bar and 34B; $10 before 11pm, $15 after.

Look Right ft. TED & FRANCIS live (Kitsune)

+ Ghoul live, Booty Basement (USA)

Saturday 8 August

Q Bar + 34 B

$15/door; $10 before 11pm

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