Melbourne’s Belle Haven Have Dropped The Emo Christmas Carol We Didn’t Know We Needed

Though the festive season cops a big wrap as being “the most wonderful time of the year” (cheers, Andy Williams), for many, it regularly sucks a massive set of jingle balls.

Thankfully, Melbourne scene stalwarts Belle Haven have emerged from their slumber to soundtrack your Yuletide blues with the emo Chrissy anthem you didn’t know you needed.

Dubbed ‘Moving On’, the sadboi carol reflects on the paradoxical pain that the so-called season to be jolly can trigger.

Frontman David De La Hoz explains: “I usually spend the festive season missing someone, regretting past stupid decisions and figuratively banging my head against a wall trying to figure out if I’ll ever be able to fix past mistakes, which is what ‘Moving On’ is ultimately about.”

And it won’t be the last you hear from the Melbourne post-hardcore collective, who apparently have plenty of new music to drop down your proverbial chimney.

“We spent what parts of downtime we could writing and recording some really exciting new material, and now that shows are slowly returning again, soon enough you’ll have even more new music to feast your ears on,” says guitarist Chris Vernon.

For now, you can take ‘Moving On’ for a spin below.

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