Miike Snow ‘Devils Work’ – Bailey Smalls Remix

19 year old, Miami born DJ, Bailey Smalls has released his remix of the new Miike Snow single Devils Work. The difference between the original track and the Bailey Smalls remix is quite substantial, with Smalls living up to his ‘added oomph’ reputation. The additional bass and rough synth make it a sure-fire electro-house club hit.

The single is taken from the album Happy To You, which is set to be released on the 26th March 2012 through both Columbia and Downtown Records. Happy To You has finished being recorded and is currently going under mastering. Miike Snow are about to embark on a world tour, with dates yet to be announced, including Miami’s  Ultra Music Festival, and have released a statement on their Facebook page. “The album is complete. The videos are being shot. The artwork is being finished. The tour dates are being planned … News of all this and more in the next few days. Thank you Thank you!”

The Devils Work remix is available below.

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