Mumford & Sons, Disclosure & More Musos Hacked With NSFW Image On Facebook

Despite being on the home stretch, 2016 just hit back at artists including Ben Howard, Mumford & Sons and Disclosure, all of whom have coped a brutal Facebook hack resulting in a NSFW post to their timelines.

Anyone causally scrolling through Facebook this afternoon may have stumbled upon the considerably off-brand posts from the aforementioned artists, in which they provided their followers with “10 Oral Positions You Must Know”, as well as a highly informative main image (below, you creeps).

It appears crisis control has been effective for the most part, with the majority of posts being removed at the time of writing. However we can confirm that James Morrison, John Newman and Keane were also hacked. It’s unclear at this stage if it was more extensive.

Both Mumford and Keane responded to the hack with a post explaining the situation. Both posts, potentially worded by management, add, “We take cyber-hacking, impersonation and offensive content very seriously. Please be assured that the situation is under investigation, and added measures are being put in place to prevent this happening again.”

Most followers seem to be well aware it’s a hack, and are happy to laugh off the inappropriate post.

Catch some screenshots of the posts, below.


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Images: Facebook

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