
New App ‘Heardle’ Gives ‘Wordle’ An Addictive Musical Twist

A new music guessing game Heardle is taking over the globe. The latest Wordle inspired app to go viral (following Weezer’s one) Heardle is just like Wordle, only for music nerds and not word ones.

Instead of tasking you with guessing five-letter words that you’ve never heard anyone use before, Heardle plays you short song snippets and asks you to guess the song. It’s literal music to our ears.

Playable at Heardle.app Heardle is a simple concept. Players listen to the intro of a song, with incorrect or skipped guesses unlocking more of the song. The goal is to guess correctly in as few tries as possible. Like Wordle, you can then share your score and make all your friends and followers bow down in praise of your musical genius! As they should. Like Wordle, you can only guess one Heardle a day.

The Heardle about page is pretty open about the Wordle inspiration, calling it “a respectful homage to Wordle, with a musical twist.” One thing we can confirm they’ve ported over from Wordle is how frustrating and sneakily difficult it can be! Some of the musical snippets provided prove pretty useless for us mere mortals. Of course, being the next level music knowledge wizards you all are, we trust you’ll have no such issues.

As for the song selections themselves, so far they seem to be pretty random, with no obvious area of speciality or genre bias. That randomness seems to be by design with Heardle’s instructions stating “Each Heardle is randomly plucked from a list of the most-streamed songs in the past decade. Much love (and all the relevant copyright) to all the artists featured.”

A little tip: you can also search for artists and song titles to get an idea of the types of songs and artists the game uses. Used well this function could even out the playing field a little for those not blessed with musical encyclopedias disguised as brains.

Play Heardle for yourself now and be sure to let everyone know just how good you are.

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