Peaches Starts Petition To Free Pussy Riot

Acting as spokespeople for citizens of the globe, and free-thinkers everywhere, Peaches, along with fellow artist Simonne Jones, have started a petition demanding the immediate release of Russian punk outfit Pussy Riot, following a demonstration that was not well received at all.

The all-female three-piece is facing a 7-year stint in a Russian prison after they performed their track Punk Prayer within the grounds of the Christ the Saviour Cathedral, essentially offending both the Russian Parliament, and the Russian Orthodox Church in one fell swoop. The reaction of ‘hooliganism’ charges has been viewed all over the world as a massive overreaction to an otherwise peaceful protest, and doesn’t look too good for Russian’s human rights standards.

Peaches and Jones have enlisted the help of a horde of celebrities, musicians and others to voice up on the issue. Names such as Kate Nash, The Knife, Lykke Li, Miike Snow, Peter Bjorn and John, Light Asylum, Deichkind and The Hives have pledged their support. All their testimonies will be put together in a video to be released tomorrow (August 15) though in the meantime, the petition (which is at around the 73,000 mark) is free to sign.

Support has been coming through on all sorts of levels, from a fan threatening the judge with an axe, to a fan stitching up his mouth in protest…hectic.

Peaches and her fellow protesters won’t stop on the issue until Russia meets the “standards and principles of a free nation where its people have the right to have a free and open dialogue about all subjects”.

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