Petition Launched To Rally Support For Sydney Inner West Markets

Inner West locals will be all too familiar with the highly underused / potential space that fills the gap between St Peters station and Sydenham station. Recently, the area lost its markets held within Precinct 75 encouraging the local arts community to start a petition to get the beloved markets back.

“The Precinct 75 Markets were created to connect and support like minded and emerging makers and merchants to an enthusiastic local crowd; throwing a spotlight on this vibrant and dynamic hub,” reads the petition.

Initial concerns were raised about the boutique market set up due to concerns with the traffic. The petition explains a development proposal has been sent through to council to combat the traffic by way of reducing the amount of stalls and the frequency of the markets.

Located smack bam in the middle of two train stations and rife with bicycle racks, driving isn’t even required to attend the markets.

The St Peters community contains a disproportionately large percentage of local artists, creators, makers and merchants, as pointed out by the petition, many of whom (including your gang @ Music Feeds) work within Precinct 75 located just off Mary Street.

And we’ll be damned if there’s such a thing as ‘too many markets’.

Read the petition here.

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