Pixies Frontman To Kurt Cobain: “I’ll Agree With It, You Ripped Us Off”

Frontman of newly reformed alternative legends The Pixies, Black Francis recently discussed his band’s legacy in the rock arena during an interview with Reuters, in particular focusing on the band’s impact on Nirvana and their props from glam rock icon David Bowie.

Bowie once referred to The Pixies as “the psychotic Beatles” and said that they “changed the format for delivering hard rock.” But when asked “What’s your contribution to rock?” the Where Is My Mind? singer said:

“Being original, influencing Nirvana so they could rip a song. I’ll admit it — if Kurt Cobain ‘fessed up to it, fuck it, I’ll agree with it, you ripped us off.”

Francis then elaborated on comments he once made where expressed a desire for The Pixies to become David Bowie’s backing band, saying, “It’s fucking David Bowie! Come on! We could do that. Bowie, the Pixies, together at last!”

The singer also expressed remorse over the band’s initial breakup, saying:

“I regret it, but maybe something else would have caused it eventually. But I wish that the manager or someone at the record company would have been a little more tuned in to the dynamics of a young band being on the road and making records, someone to advise a different schedule…

“Or maybe say ‘Hey, you guys are due for vacation like right about now’ or ‘Hey, you all do your solo albums’…We never really got that sort of common sense advice, or at least I was too stoned to hear it.”

The Pixies are currently embarking on an extensive tour, following the release of their first collection of new material in over two decades, titled EP1, released back in September, with former Muffs bassist Kim Shattuck taking over for Kim Deal, who left earlier this year.

(Via Ultimate Guitar)

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