Pixies: “Pitchfork Just Seem Like They Hate Everything”

Any music fan who’s spent 15 minutes on the internet can tell you two things: the Pixies are one of the most critically acclaimed and influential independent bands of all time, and Pitchfork Media are a bunch of four-eyed music snobs who hate on every single album that comes across their offices.

It’s the latter sentiment that Pixies guitarist Joey Santigao has endorsed in a recent interview with RVA Magazine, in which he rails against “asshole” Pitchfork writer Jason Greene’s 1/10 review of the band’s EP-1 – their first collection of new music in over two decades, released late last year.

Responding to Greene’s assessment of the EP as “four faceless, fatuous alt-rock songs,” Santiago said the review was simply a publicity stunt. “I know it’s kind of what they’re known for, but I think it was a joke. I think it was their way of getting readers or getting noticed or publicity or whatever. I mean, how could you slam something like that and not find anything good about the music?”

“You don’t even deserve to be a music critic at that point,” Santiago continued. “At that point, it seems like you don’t even like music at all. Just seems like you hate everything… I just don’t know what the guy did to review it. The idiot probably didn’t even listen to it. Maybe for a second.”

“He just seems to enjoy destroying music which is the exact opposite of what I want to do. I want to create. He wants to destroy. Guy’s a dick. Let me know where that fucker lives, all right?” Legendary rap duo Mobb Deep also recently took aim at Pitchfork after being awarded a perfect 10 score. The duo contended it was inappropriate for Pitchfork to act like “expert[s] in our field.”

As far as some Pitchfork reviews go, Santiago and his bandmates got off light. The site has previously awarded 0.0 scores to otherwise highly lauded acts such as Sonic Youth, Liz Phair, and The Flaming Lips, and reviewed Jet by posting a video of a monkey peeing into its own mouth.

Watch: Pixies – Indie Cindy

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