Slayer Cancel Soundwave Sydney show

Slayer have cancelled their set at Soundwave Sydney only minutes before they were set to go on stage. Our sources at Soundwave have confirmed the band has cancelled. Tom Araya has been admitted to hospital and will be kept in overnight which has forced the band to pull out. Organisers expect the band will be back and ready to perform the Melbourne leg but there are a lot of angry Slayer fans in Sydney right now. Twitter is being bombarded by Soundwave tweets with some fans even stating that there is a riot in progress. Reports are that riot police have been called in to keep the angry crowd in order.

One Fan Tweeted obsidiantears83 : If you want to see bogans riot, see what happens when Slayer cancels #soundwave. When I left to see Social D, cans were still flying!

And another angry fan _Its_Me_Again : Slayer aren’t coming on stage? Tom Araya had to go to hospital? What? Fucking riot!!!!

Lets hope everyone stays calm, more news as it comes in…

Update: Slayer will Play Melbourne Soundwave

Update: What Angry Slayer Fans at Sydney

Crowd goes crazy after Slayer cancel set at Soundwave 2011

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