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Tame Impala’s Kevin Parker On Who ‘Trevor’ Really Is

Tame Impala mastermind Kevin Parker has unmasked the mysterious origins of the treacherous character of ‘Trevor’ from his 2015 hit ‘The Less I Know the Better’.

Speaking with triple j‘s Linda Marigliano this morning, Kev dished the story behind Tame Impala’s Currents cut, including how it only took 15 minutes to write, how Mark Ronson almost stole it for himself, and who exactly that slimy f*ck Trevor who stole his girlfriend really is.

In case you need a refresher, the lyrics of the tune go: “Someone said they live together/I ran out the door to get her/She was holding hands with Trevor/Not the greatest feeling ever.”

They’ve inspired countless ‘FUCK TREVOR’ banners at the band’s shows and hundreds of spicy internet memes.

So who the shit is Trevor, really?

“For every text message you’ve had talking about Trevor, I’ve had someone in person asking me who Trevor is,” Parker tells triple J.

“It doesn’t take a genius to realise that Trevor is just Trevor because it rhymes with ‘together’. Which just means that Trevor can be anyone.”

So there you have it you guys. Trevor could be any of us.


Listen to Kevin Parker’s full chat with the j‘s right here.

Tame Impala - The Less I Know The Better (Official Video)

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