The Postal Service: Ben Gibbard Kills New Album Hopes

Death Cab for Cutie frontman Ben Gibbard has put an end to any hopes of new material from his popular electronic side project The Postal Service. Their 2003 album Give Up has gained a cult following, particularly enjoying success with the singles Such Great Heights and The District Sleeps Alone Tonight, but he has expressed that he is just not interested in the project anymore.

Gibbard has told Spinner that “There are no plans to make a second record. I can’t say that enough. “I think people like the idea of a second Postal Service record better than they would like the second Postal Service record. It’s the desire for something one can’t have, the anticipation of possessing something is more fulfilling than actually having something.”

While it doesn’t look too good on the Postal Service side of his musical interests, he will, however, release a solo album titled Former Lives next month. The album will have 12 songs that have been written and performed over his career, but were previously unreleased. As for touring, who knows, we might see him out here soon enough. Death Cab were out here in February touring their current album Codes and Keys.

The Postal Service - Such Great Heights [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

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