Trolls Fool Justin Bieber Fans With Cancer Scare, #BaldForBieber

Sneaky, sneaky trolls have been at it again. 4Chan users were the culprits behind a recent prank on not just Bieber, but also Beliebers the world over.

After posting tweets confirming that Bieber had in fact been diagnosed with cancer, the trolls then began to advocate the hashtag #BaldForBieber in an attempt to convince his loyal followers to shave their head in support of the buzzworthy Prince of Pop, resulting apparently in a whole heap of fans shaving their heads for no reason whatsoever.

The hashtag was trending for a while, but it soon faded once people discovered the rouse. Credibility was lent to the rumour after the initial tweet came from ET Online’s official Twitter page, and a tweet from Bieb’s Twitter backed it up. Both have since been removed.

We’ve managed to track down a few of the pictures posted to the interwebs to support Biebs, as well as a stack of tweets referring to the prank.

There’s even a website set up for it, if you’re feeling adventurous.

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