Two Aussie Radio Hosts Have Been Fired For Playing A Song About Humping

A pair of South Australian community radio hosts have been given the sack for playing a controversial, sexual song from the ’80s.

As the ABC reports, Steve Jankowicz and Haydon Cox AKA. Jank n the Phatman from 5GTR FM pressed play on ‘Hump Music’ by No Face on their Sunday night show just before 11pm which apparently upset the radio board.

The South East Community Access Radio (SECAR) board said that the song breached, “broadcasting standards and common decency”.

There’s plenty of explicit music out there these days but this one is very explicit. It uses the F-word 29 times and features lyrics like, “when you’re in my bed, you give me head.”

Jankowicz said that he was aware of the song’s “saucy language” but said that it was no worse than some of the other songs they’d played on the program and was a bit confused as to why they’d been sacked.

“When we started we asked the question as to language and what we could get away with and we were told ‘after nine o’clock, it’s all yours’,” he told ABC.

“We don’t play anything that you will hear commercially from 9 to 5. Half of our songs contain content, that if you’re that way inclined, maybe you shouldn’t listen to our show.”

It seems they have plenty of potty-mouthed fans though because 282 people have signed a petition to get them back on air. They’ve also had plenty of people voice their support on their Facebook page.

We can only imagine what would happen if Kyle & Jackie O decided to give this song a spin on air.

Check out the track below and decide whether you’re pro or anti the hump song.

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