Watch: Travis Barker Addresses Very Serious Issue In Public Service Announcement

Of all the PSAs that have been going around, none seem to be addressing the serious issue of lame ass parents. The new-found ambassador for cool parents Travis Barker has now tackled the epidemic head first, issuing a PSA helping parents to rock again, via late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel.

The urge to show people your children’s artwork, coffee mugs with puns on them, and dad jokes are all side effects of being a parent that no book on what to expect will ever mention. The result of this is a bunch of parents who never saw the onsets of boringness on the horizon.

But you need stress no longer, there is an answer. Helping Parents to Rock is a strict but successful regime that is sure to bring out the monster in even the most tame parents. Why, T-ravis himself is transformed from a pen-pushing, suited-up desk jockey to a pretty decent drummer who wears muscle tees.

Worthy of note is just how hilarious Barker looks in his suit, and even when he pretends to be shit at drums, he’s still amazing. However, from this point on he can no longer complain about police profiling him.

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