What Happens At Bieber’s, Stays At Bieber’s: Party Guests To Sign $5 Million Gag Order

Justin Bieber is clearly sick of his party-boy antics making international headlines, so in an effort to curb this trend, he’s doing the only rational thing – making his guests sign non-disclosure agreements. Rather than shaping up and getting his act together like a chump, The Biebs will make his guests sign legally binding documents preventing them from leaking the goings on of a Bieber bash to the tabloids.

Being invited to a Justin Bieber party may sadly be the high point in many peoples lives, but now they won’t be able to tell anyone about it or risk being slapped with a $5 million lawsuit. Guests will all be required to sign a gag-order when they arrive at his Calabasas, California property, with language specifically condemning tweets, Instagrams or any form of social networking while there, as well as conversations to others after the event.

Should anyone be unclear about what they can and can’t talk about, the document states that the “physical health, or the philosophical, spiritual or other views or characteristics” of the host or guests shall not be discussed outside the walls of Chateau de Bibbles. So you’ll have to keep that image of Usher curled around the base of pot plant come morning to yourself.

According to the contract, anyone who wishes to engage in “potentially hazardous” activities will do so on their own accountability. You just know it’s going to be a loose party when “potentially hazardous” is being thrown around.

Fortunately for The Biebs, this will little tactic will probably work – not so much due to the plan actually reducing the likelihood of splashy headlines, but because now no-one is going to want to go to his parties. Nothing gets you in the mood to party quite like having the chances of experiencing “minor injuries to catastrophic injuries, including death” spelled out for you. Nice work, Biebs.

Check out a copy of the non-disclosure form below.


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(Via TMZ)

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