9 Things To Take Away From Triple J’s Hottest 100 Of The Past 20 Years

hilltop hoods

5. For all that whinging about “too much Aussie hip hop on triple j”, there ain’t much of it in the list.

Everyone has that mate who has to open their trap about how they stopped listening to triple j when they started playing all that Aussie hip hop, but for all of the yibber-yabbering there’s only 2 Australian hip hop songs in the chart. Hilltop HoodsThe Nosebleed Section may have taken out number 4 but even the most devout indie rock snob has to admit it’s catchy as all hell. The only other Aussie number of that persuasion is The Cat Empire all the way down at 97 and, even then, they’re primarily a ska/jazz outfit.

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