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The 12 Greatest Answers From Kevin Parker’s Reddit AMA

Kevin Parker, he of the dreamy frontman vocals on Tame Impala (and the equally dreamy shoulder-length hair you just wanna twirl between your fingers), took to the internet’s oft-horrifying playground Reddit this afternoon, for a session of their frequently run Ask-Me-Anything series of live chats.

With new Tame Impala music trickling in ahead of their upcoming third full-length release Currents, Kevin had plenty of insight to give about the new tunes as well as some goss from backstage at Coachella and what to expect at this years Splendour in the Grass.

Oh, and he premiered a brand new freakin’ song as well.

Here’s the best moments from the hour-long sesh:

1. Fame has totally changed him man.

When asked if he felt any different artistically after becoming popular Kev responded “Hmmmmmmm. Yes, I guess I do. It’s weird though… I wouldn’t say I feel any BETTER as an artist. It’s like a cross between more confident and more self-critical at the same time.”

2. If he wasn’t a musician, Kevin would be…

A scarf designer. And why? “Because a well designed scarf is hard to come by.” Solid.

3. Kevin isn’t about the detailed theory of making music, as much as he is about dem feels.

“I don’t know any hardcore music theory, but I’ve picked up some things along the way. Like when I hear something pretty or a chord change makes me feel a certain way, I find myself NEEDING to know why that made me feel that way… But at the end of the day you know what, music theory is based around what makes us feel good, so as long as it feels good it’s correct!”

Listen: Tame Impale – ‘Cause I’m A Man

4. He’s a Ninja Turtles purist.

Asked which one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is his favourite, Kevin went all politician, answering “I’ve been trying for 20 years to decide which is my favourite turtle and I still cannot. They each have qualities I really admire and to pick one would be discounting the rest!”

5. He reckons all music will one day be free.

In one of his best spiels, Kev dove into the divisive issue of streaming and piracy in the music world saying “I feel like music will be free sooner or later, and i think I’m all for it. There’s all this talk of music needing a monetary value, this ownership of music, even that it needs a physical form. But intrinsically… it’s MUSIC, it should be better than that. Some of my most important musical experiences were from a burnt CD with songs my friend downloaded for me at a terrible digital quality.”

6. Up until recently Tame Impala never earned a cent for their music outside Australia.

“Someone high up spent the money before it got to me. I may never get that money. Then Blackberry and some tequila brand or something put my song in an ad. Then I bought a house and set up a studio. I know what you’re thinking… “wait so…when I bought an album I was helping some businessman pay for his mansion on an island somewhere, and when some dude bought a mobile phone he was helping to pay an artist? WHHHYY?” I’ll tell you why, IT’S MONEY. It doesn’t always go where you want it to go. It’s like a shopping trolley with a bung wheel.”

7. Kev loves him some Yeezy.

Asked what contemporary music he’s into at the moment, Kevin talked off his adoration for Kanye West. “There’s something about his overt confidence in the face of judgement and doubt, that for someone as self-questioning as me to break off a bit of that and ingest it, it only propels you forward as an artist… and gives you confidence to go forth with something you believe in. Second guessing and hesitation and doubt are such inhibitors for artists, especially these days. I can’t help but think that Kayne has found the antidote.”

Listen: Tame Impala – Let It Happen

8. Mac DeMarco waved a dildo at him at Coachella.

Because, of course he did: “Mac is a great guy. He and his cronies are loose units. I left Coachella in their van and they were waving a HUGE dildo out the window at passersby. Then we ended up in his jacuzzi somehow.”

9. His rap-name is your new favourite hashtag.

“Defs Worthit. Watch out he’s a comin. (He’s not a comin).”

10. His favourite albums are a diverse lot.

“I have no number 1. Any of Air – Talkie Walkie, Supertramp – Breakfast in America, Michael Jackson – Thriller, QOTSA – Rated R. Probably some others…”

11. He also has a favourite Tame Impala song… kinda.

Backwards has the most effortless charm I guess, and was the easiest to write. And I can still listen to it now without wanting to skip! Runway Houses is one I’m kind of impressed by in retrospect. The way all the parts fit together and the movement of it. Did you know it almost didn’t make the album? Music to walk home by is probably a secret fav. It’s like the kid that get’s picked last on the football team am I’m secretly like “Go get em champ! 😉 I have to say though, there’s a song on the new album called Eventually that is still very moving for me to listen to even after 951520974 listens and mixes. Oh but I mentioned a song and not the others!! weirdly enough I can still listen to each of these new songs and not feel the need to skip. Which is rare for me after 2 years of working on them.”

12. A Mark Ronson and Tame Impala collab during Splendor is a maybe.

Asked if the two would share a sideshow at this year’s Splendour (Kevin features on a couple of Ronson’s latest tracks) Kev coyly replied “OOOOHHH I DON”T KNOWWW MAYBEEE. Srsly though… maybe.”

Listen: Tame Impala – Disciples

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