Deadmau5 Trolls EDM With New Track ‘Carbon Copy Cookie Cutter’

Canadian house producer and prolific troller Deadmau5 has spent a leisurely afternoon making a point about the lack of originality in the EDM world, by producing and releasing the track Carbon Copy Cookie Cutter.

The man in the mouse helmet announced his intentions via Twitter, letting fans know he was busy “making some incredibly cheesy shit for lols”. “This should be illegal,” he later added, “all this need is some nexus presets and its beatport ready. brb.”

The resulting parody track was aptly titled Carbon Copy Cookie Cutter and later shortened to Carbon Cookie. The producer told one fan that he “doesn’t have the balls” to charge for his new song so listeners can download it on for free.

Deadmau5 has been very vocal about his disappointment with generic EDM of late, having recently told the London Evening Standard “As they say, the rat is the first one to jump off the boat when it starts going down,” Zimmerman says, “and that’s kind of what’s happening. It’s already been going down the last couple of years, for me.”

“It’s not gonna be me saying, ‘OK, EDM’s done,’ and the whole thing falls apart,” he adds, “but I think it’ll eventually fuck itself so hard.” Deadmau5′s new album, While (1, is out now.

Listen: Deadmau5 – Carbon Cookie (via InTheMix)

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