Kasabian Unveil Demos

Big Day Out attendees of 2012, Kasabian, have released two sneaky little demo tracks. One is appropriately titled em>Table Tennis Boom Box, which consists of what appears to be a very nicely constructed blues/roots guitar track accompanied with a table tennis ball, repeatedly bouncing for additional percussive sound.

The second track titled N.A.R.C seems quite reminiscent of a David Bowie track, with accompanied violins and what seems to be a sprinkling of a James Bond movie’s soundtrack, with some vocal accompaniment of what seems to be someone pretending to be a gun.

It is not yet confirmed if these are genuine tracks, or if the boys were just immensely bored one day and decided to whip out GarageBand in the hotel room and lay down some tracks.

Both are available to listen to here

TABLE TENNIS BOOM BOX! by Kasabianofficial

N.A.R.C. by Kasabianofficial

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