Captains – Keep yourself Occupied

Are you into The B52s? Tom Waits, Mr. Bungle? How about Surf Rock? If you answered yes to all these questions you are now legally obliged (by opening the magazine you have agreed to a contract with Music Feeds, and it’s written in monkey’s blood so don’t fuck with us) to go out and buy Captains’ EP, Keep Yourself Occupied.

Captains fuse the muddy guitars of Surf Rock with the insistent melodies of British indie and The B52s. At the same time Take A Photo With Me has a very Mr. Bungle meets Tom Waits and starts a Reggae band feel to it, while China Shop has an odd hip-hop vibe to the tempo and rhythm.

Singer Arezo Khanjani is bewitching, and her voice is sublime. Subtle and restrained she never makes the mistake of trying to steal the limelight, rather choosing to use her voice as the glue which keeps the band’s sound together.

The rest of the band are fantastic as well, as they each contribute their perfectly measured parts to the bands’ whole (that’s what she said, haha), resulting in a mature and professional sound. Credit has to be given to whoever produced this album (not listed), as despite the fact it’s an EP it sounds as good as most of the commercially released albums I listen to.

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