The Presets – Ghosts (single)

Upon hearing the first few seconds of The Presets‘ new track Ghosts, you can tell that this is a whole different beast from the all-conquering Sydney dance duo.

The outer-space-flavoured synths – which are kind-of reminiscent of the chorus from their hit This Boys In Love immediately transfer you to planet Presets circa 2012.   They come back and forth throughout the song, along with several ‘Whooooooah-ah-oh-ah’s” which are destined to become ingrained in your head and spark massive singalongs every time it is played live.

Anthemic as it may be, some people might not dig it as much as others.  The lyrics about being a young man and turning into an old one and the deep voices at the end of the verses may get on some people’s nerves.  And if they were hoping this was going to be a commercial radio hit, well, it doesn’t have anywhere near as much shine as My People or Talk Like That.

Future-istic vibes it does have – however, you would hope something a bit smoother and more dancefloor-friendly is on its way from The Presets when their album Pacifica drops on September 8.  You can pre-order Pacifica and get Ghosts on iTunes.

The Presets will also be headlining Parklife 2012 in all the major cities – for details on that, click here.

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