Fashion: Look Heaps Rad

This is no ordinary “fashion” column. You will be taken on a ride like no other – a fashion ride of the highest quality, all from the back of my mind (an intricate web or thought and pleasure).

Accessory of the week: A banana (accompanied by a backpack)

Let’s face it, we are bombarded with “healthy” lifestyle messages everyday – why not achieve this in a subtle way.

A peeled banana in one hand will elevate your status to a much “healthier” level but, if you want to enhance yourself even further, I suggest your banana be accompanied with a cool backpack slung on both shoulders. This is merely an add-on but it will guarantee some head-turns.

The banana also symbolises a sword to ward off any uninvited occurrences. If you are threatened in any way by your partner, colleague or someone else’s child, you can simply take the banana and ram it into their eye, leaving you with the satisfaction that they are now suffering discomfort and the added bonus of looking heaps rad holding (and jabbing) your yellow sword.

Please note that the banana is perishable so make sure you save them for special occasions.

…until next time fashion bitches!

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