Bag Raiders Talk New Tracks, Aussie Crowds And NYE

Following a massive world tour, which saw Jack Glass and Chris Stracey, better known as Aussie EDM duo Bag Raiders, play to crowds in Europe, South America and the USA, Music Feeds caught up with Jack to get the skinny on the band’s future plans, particularly their NYE festivities.

The boys were recently announced as part of the lineup for NYE On The Harbour, playing alongside the likes of Art vs Science, Alison Wonderland, Gold Fields and label mates Van She, and Jack let us in on what Bag Raiders have in store for the Cargo Bar crowd on the big night.

Jack also talked about how Aussie crowds compare to the crowds overseas, as well as informing us that the boys’ follow-up to their 2010 self-titled debut is near completion and fans at their upcoming shows just might get to hear a track or two from the LP.

Music Feeds: Hey, Bag Raiders, thanks for taking the time to answer our questions! What were the recent overseas shows like for you guys and how does it feel to be back home?

Jack Glass: Shows have been great but we’ve mostly been over here making a second album. That is very nearly done and we’re super stoked to get it out!

MF: What did you learn during the international run that you’ve now incorporated into your set? Did you find different places responding more positively to different styles of music?

JG: America can be a little strange sometimes, but also fun. People generally just want to hear you rinse the hits. While Europe is the polar opposite, you can get away with playing a whole set of deeper cuts. I guess people are a little more knowledgable when it comes to dance music there. Australia I think lies somewhere in the middle — people have the knowledge but they’re also out to have a good time and party, not stand around chin-stroking. It’s a good balance!

MF: You’ll be performing as part of NYE On The Harbour. Is a show like that different to a regular Bag Raiders DJ set? What’s the vibe?

JG: I think any time you play on NYE it’s a little different. We’ll have a few special tracks up our sleeve that’s for sure. We also have some new Bag Raiders stuff which no one has really heard before so that’ll be fun to gauge the reaction to that!

MF: Who are you most looking forward to seeing on the night? What are some past experiences with the other acts on the lineup, like with label mates Van She for example?

JG: For sure Van She, the Art vs Science guys are great dudes too! We’ve had some great times with a lot of these bands. One night we shared with the Van She guys in Sao Paulo Brazil jumps out, for sure.

MF: Can you describe a memorable NYE for Bag Raiders?

JG: They’re always memorable! The last few years we’ve done 2 shows on the night, one in Sydney and one in Newcastle or Wollongong. We get a big van, pack it full of champagne and friends and normally toast in the new year somewhere on the highway. Vibe!

MF: What about a memorable NYE before you guys got together?

JG: I remember being really young and climbing on top of people’s houses to watch the fireworks. Always a clever idea, scaling houses after a few beers.

MF: What would Bag Raiders say is the best way to spend NYE in Australia?

JG: If you can’t celebrate it with us in our van on the highway then I’d have to say you want to be around the harbour somewhere in Sydney. Either that or get the fuck out of town and celebrate in far North Queensland or a rainforest in Tasmania or something.

MF: You guys also have a gig at The Espy in Melbourne coming up, what have you got planned for the Melbourne crowd?

JG: Same thing as for all these shows, trying out a whole bunch of new Bag Raiders material, enjoying being back in our home country and going places and seeing people we know.

MF: Do you find crowds around Australia responding differently to the Bag Raiders live set?

JG: From city to city? Yeah, for sure. There are some small differences, but I think overall the attitudes are pretty similar. People are really positive. I think that’s why a lot of international acts love playing in Australia. People love to party, love music and love having a good time. You can say that about Australians all over the world too. It’s a nice thing! Something to be proud of, I reckon!

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