Strum A Note Up In The Wires: Melbourne Tram Sessions

One of the more unique assests of Melbourne is our tram system. In my experience Sydneysiders in particular are mesmorised with Melbourne trams, especially the now-famous 86 towards Northcote, thanks to The Bedroom Philosopher (yes, whenever I board it I can’t help singing ‘riding around on the 86…’ very quietly to myself).

What would make Melbourne’s world-famous trams more enjoyable and add an even more super cool factor for Sydneysider visitors? (apart from the trams actually running on time?)…MUSIC! The good people at Tram Sessions are one step ahead and do just that: they ‘put bands on Melbourne trams for your commuting pleasure”.

Tram Sessions is such a unique concept but so simple. It’s a not-for-profit project that basically organises for awesome indie bands and artists to board any zone 1 tram in Melbourne and play their tunes. Tram Sessions explain on their website that their purpose is to showcase talented local artists by giving them a public platform to perform, make live and local music more accessible to the community, and to encourage sustainable transport.

Tram Sessions has scored some decent talent too: Xavier Rudd, Amanda Palmer, Dead Letter Chorus, Lanie Lane, Lisa Mitchell, Little John, Passenger, Howl at the Moon, The Twoks, Sophie Koh…and on it goes.

I thought it fitting to showcase Melbourne in such a way seeing that this Melburnian is soon leaving her hometown for a big, long adventure around the world! But never fear, I intend to keep digging out little-known, quirky and independent music in whatever country I find myself in, and bringing it straight to you.

There are so many awesome recordings of Tram Sessions; check them all out at Here are a couple of my favourites. Peace out for now.

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