Sierra Fin

Sierra Fin’s favourite Eastern European language is Estonian. Not a particularly enlightening piece of information in and of itself, but after listening to the song ‘Blue Day Sun’ from their soon-to-be-released debut EP Shake Stare Sleep I’m quite lost for words. Fortunately, the band had a bit to say as they prepare to make their presence felt on record for the first time.

“Shake Stare Sleep is the first foray into the record world for us as Sierra Fin. Though we’ve

each individually released music, it is a giant leap forward musically from our past projects. With each track, as in everything we do, we’ve tried to bring something new to the table, from sonic cacophony to sparse soundscapes all nestled around our simple melodies. We’ve explored lyrically the themes of love, death and society and how the three intermingle.”

Their simple melodies belie a rich tapestry of sound that is more than a little unique, reminding me quietly of the grander moments of Jeff Buckley, or Travis before they started getting all pretentious. Even the explanation of their name has a sublime quality to it.

“It came to me in a dream where I was falling off a mountain that looked like jagged teeth.”

To say Sierra Fin are unique is not to suggest their music is inaccessible, although they do admit initial reactions might be a little confused.

“Confused like an Estonian fisherman who’s just misinterpreted directions, but by serendipitous fortune, they lead him to the catch of the day.”

So what’s the key to building a following while you’re still an up and coming band?

“Play music you enjoy, ignore what the latest hipster tight jeans wearing trend is, and play every gig like you are on the main stage at Glastonbury.”

Their philosophy on music sounds as honest as their songs. I hadn’t even heard of Sierra Fin before last week, but now I’m starting to think their EP launch could be something quite special. The band assures me they have some surprises in store for others thinking of attending.

“This launch is the culmination of more than a years worth of work. Aside from our set, which we will be stepping up by our own standards, we’re making the entire evening a spectacle. From the moment you step through the door you will know this isn’t your average EP Launch.”

“In saying that we have involved an amazing classical guitarist, a quartet of lovely Saxophone ladies plus artists Heidi Elva and Kent Eastwood. All will be intermingling to present a memorable night. And at the perfect setting: The Vanguard sucks you into it’s deep red walls making you feel right at home.”

And then?

“It’ll be a busy time as we ride the promotional roller coaster on the back of Shake Stare Sleep. Our main focus will be organising an EP tour early in the new year. Thoughts of shows at regional schools are on the cards and then we plan to tour Estonia to study the intricacies of the Finno-Ugric languages.”

Catch Sierra Fin for their Shake Stare Sleep EP launch at the Vanguard, Newtown on 12th November. For more info (on the band, not Estonia) point your browser to

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