FBI 5th Birthday – World Bar 12th September 2008

Music enthusiasts, FBI supporters and the whole FBI crew came together on Friday 12th September at World Bar to celebrate FBI’s 5th birthday and the end of yet another successful supporter drive. With Aussie musicians including The Grates, Yves Klein Blue, SPOD, Art v’ Science and S.Y.L.K playing to raise money to keep FBI on air, it was no wonder that it was a sell out.

With free beers going to the first 200 people to arrive, there was no wonder that the event was packed out from the word ‘go’ and with $5 vodka redbulls that contributed $3 each to FBI, there was no wonder why the party continued at full throttle into the wee hours. With four floors of entertainment and so many amazing artists it was a constant struggle to determine who to see.

Art v’s Science put a breath of fresh air into the world of club electronic music at the FBI party. With the right tempo for dancing, catchy lyrics that got the whole audience singing along, and a steady  beat that hypnotised the crowed, Art V’s Science took the audience’s breath away. The energy in the room was electrifying and the band ensured an outstanding performance as well as strong playing.

S. Y .L.K literally sparkled and shinned as they bedazzled the audience. With their smooth, fast paced and fun raps, their styling, synchronised dance moves and their very 80’s style these ladies pleasured the audience musically as well as visually. Being referred to as “Sydney’s answer to Salt ‘n’ Peper” these three fly girls sure did show the audience how they got this name.

Yves Klein Blue belted out their blend of classic pop, old punk fused with indie rock tracks. Named after a type of paint, watching the band was nothing like watching paint dry. They played a tight and rocking set which got the crowed sweating as they danced up a storm. Yves Klein Blue really got into the birthday celebrations when they lead the crowed in singing happy birthday to FBI and presenting a cake.

SPOD, was totally rad. With back up dances, facemasks of himself, bubbles and streams there was no wonder he drew a crowed. Spod ensured never a dull moment for the audience as he belted out his electroclash, hip hop tunes. With a few sound problems which meant a late start, Spod used this time to psych up more and then when it came time to shine he exploded on stage interacting heavily with the audience and sending hearts racing.

The headliners for the night were The Grates. With their catchy and popular high energy rock/ pop tracks, they had the house shaking and the crowed jumping around. Playing mostly tracks from their new album ‘ Teeth lost, hearts won’ and throwing in some oldies it was no wonder why practically the whole venue turned to The Grates. Leaping and bounding across the stage, Patience ensured that there was not a single body or closed mouth in site. They were loud, they were proud and they really got the crowed pumped.

And like every 5th Birthday, the crowed left sad that the night was over and pumped with sugar, awesome music and sweet memories.

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