Image: 360 / Facebook

360 Opens Up About Drug Addiction & Mental Health Issues In Moving Confessional Rap ‘I’m Sorry’

Melbourne rapper Matt Colwell (aka 360) has shared a brutally honest rap track titled I’m Sorry, which details the drug addiction and mental health issues which led him to postpone his Utopia tour this time last year.

Colwell’s I’m Sorry video (below) sees the rapper spit lines over The xx track Intro, and opens with the line, “I should be dead, maybe I got nine lives. Seven left, ’cause I’ve already died twice.”

Colwell goes on to describe his codeine addiction, which included “90 pills daily of Nurofen Plus”, among other things, before saying he suffered from withdrawal symptoms mid-tour.

Colwell says his tour manager once found him convulsing on the floor before a show after he had taken four packets of Nurofen Plus just “to feel something”.

Growing visibly emotional as he raps about letting down his friends, family and fans, Colwell says he spent a month in a detox centre where he was placed on suicide watch.

Since posting the video, which has had almost 5.4 million views since being posted yesterday, Colwell has commented on the clip thanking his fans for their love and support.

“The response to this video has been extremely insane and has left me speechless,” he says “Thanks so much.”

Colwell has also detailed the “cocktail of prescription medication” he was taking, which he says included “mainly 80mg oxycontin, xanax, valium and hypnodorm but also dabbling in heroin when I ran out of oxycontin”.

“I couldn’t get enough prescriptions of oxycontin to last me a whole tour so I had to fill my luggage up with Nurofen Plus as it is the only over the counter codeine you can get and the only way to prevent myself going into withdrawals,” he says.

Colwell is currently working on his Please Be Seated 3 mixtape, which he says he can’t wait to release. “I’m writing the best music I’ve ever made and I’m on fire at the moment,” he says.

Watch Colwell’s moving I’m Sorry video below, alongside his Facebook comments.

Anyone requiring help or information on mental health can contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636.

360 – I’M SORRY

exactly 1 year ago i was on tour, something happened and i had to cancel the rest of the tour. This is what happened…

Posted by 360 on Friday, 8 January 2016

360’s ‘I’m Sorry’ Facebook Comments (Click To Expand)

360 im sorry video comment 2016 source facebook 1

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