Alice In Chains Test Fans With Album Name RiddleClassic Rock Magazine

If Alice in Chains fans thought they would be getting information on the new album, they have another think coming. Rather than just dropping the name of the release like it’s any old thing, they revealed an anagram of the title, leaving it to fans to piece it together.

The 24-letter brain-teaser was revealed today and the band have since prompted fans to post their decoded answers on Instagram with the hashtag #AICALBUMTITLE. It’s a scary looking mess of letters, so I’m not even going to go there, but by all means, hit us up once you figure it out!

Already off the release we’ve heard Hollow, which marked the first new material since 2009’s Black Gives Way to Blue. The yet-to-be-named new album was first mentioned back in 2011, but Jerry Cantrell has confirmed that the album was done and dusted last December. According to Classic Rock Magazine, “It’s got all the elements of any record we’ve put out,” says Cantrell, “but it’s unlike any record we’ve put out. Basically, it’s the next chapter in the Alice in Chains book, and it’s going to be a big one.”

The rock greats aren’t just giving back to the fans, but also to the larger community. This year they will be hosting their 4th annual charity action, with items up for grabs including a double-platinum plaque for Pantera’s Vulgar Display of Power album, 2012 World Series memorabilia, an autographed Cantrell signature guitar, and an autographed Duff McKagan bass.

This is the cool part, AIC and friends in other bands take each other on in a fantasy football league. The winner chooses the charity that the funds will go to. Last year, Scott Ian of Antrax won and nominated The Painted Turtle.

Now here is your challenge. Godspeed.

H V L E N T P S U S D A H I E E O E D T I U R R (That on its own would be a cool album name actually…)

Update 15/02/2013:

The band have now revealed the album title, the record will be named The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here. So that string of letters was an anagram, not a ridiculously long Fiona Apple-style poem title. Anyone guess that? Anyone at all? Yeah, didn’t think so. Thanks for that, Banana 1015.

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