Arcade Fire ‘Reflektor’ Campaign Teases 9th September Date

Earlier this year, it was revealed that Big Day Out 2014 headliners Arcade Fire had strong intentions of releasing something on Monday, 9th September and now the Reflektor campaign, purported to be spruiking new AF material, is pumping a similar date.

A recent update on the Reflektor Instagram account, strongly believed to be curated by the band and their camp, posted a series of images which, when read together, show the date and time “9pm 9/9”.

This pesky little Instagram account has created a lot of stir after it was found to be posting photos of the word Reflektor tagged in different cities around the world. Though it’s yet to be confirmed, some of the artists involved implicated Arcade Fire as having hired them to carry out the work.

Another clue may come from a picture AF tweeted last month, depicting the Montreal Biosphere on fire (also being used by Big Day Out to plump their “no headliner clashes”). The diamond lattice work on the Biosphere bears a striking resemblance to the Reflektor iconography being posted to the Instagram. Veeeery interesting.

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