Photos: Yael Stempler / Facebook

Arcade Fire Are Selling Their Own Version Of Those Terrible Kylie & Kendall Jenner Band Tees

As we wait to see whether The Doors will follow through with their rumoured lawsuit against Kylie and Kendall Jenner over their totally cooked line of retro band tees, one group has taken it upon themselves to exact a different kind of vengeance against the career narcissists.

Arcade Fire have gone and done their own version of the Jenner sisters’ heinous threads, which ICYMI besmirched classic images of legendary rap and metal acts like Ozzy Osbourne, Biggie Smalls, Tupac and Metallica by superimposing them with images of — yep — themselves:

And now, Arcade Fire have decided to cash in on the whole fiasco.

Fans of the Canadian indie rockers noticed a new addition to their merch collection at the group’s recent London show — a T-shirt featuring a stencil of Kendall Jenner, with a logo from Arcade Fire’s upcoming new album Everything Now splashed over the top.



The tees are being sold for £25, which is substantially less than the unfathomable AUD$212 apiece that the Jenner sibs were hocking their sacrilegious wears for before pulling them from their web store and apologising for the designs, which they admitted were “not well thought out”.

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