Image: NITV

Aussie Hip Hop Stars Team Up For Powerful New Track ‘Change The Date’

Some of Australia’s most well-known hip hop artists have teamed up on a brand new song called ‘Change The Date’, which has dropped today with its own 360-degree VR music video.

‘Change The Date’ sees the likes of Urthboy, Thundamentals‘ Tuka and Jeswon, L-Fresh The Lion and Coda Conduct share their thoughts on Australia Day being celebrated on 26th January, the day the First Fleet first arrived at Port Jackson back in 1788.

The song also features Nooky, Birdz, Tasman Keith, Ozi Batla, Kaylah Truth and Hau, and posits that Australia “can do better” and move the date of Australia Day so that it’s no longer on 26th January.

The immersive 360-degree VR video for ‘Change The Date’ was conceived and directed by an all-Aboriginal team, along with the help of broadcaster NITV and music labels Elefant Traks and Bad Apples.

The music video can be viewed below, and the song can also be downloaded for free. The full VR experience is also available through the SBS VR app, which works with Google Cardboard.

Triple j is under increasing pressure to change the date of its Hottest 100 countdown, which is currently held on 26th January. The broadcaster has decided not to change the date of its 2016 countdown, which will take place this Thursday, 26th January.

Watch: ‘Change The Date’ 360 Video

Listen: ‘Change The Date’

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