Bandcamp Fridays Are Set To Continue Throughout The Rest Of 2021

In some good news for musicians, Bandcamp are extending ‘Bandcamp Fridays’ for the rest of the year!

The initiative launched back in March 2020 as a way to help artists who had been hit by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Notably, musicians were able to benefit even further from direct sales on Bandcamp, with the company waiving their revenue shares; all up, ensuring that artists were getting as much cash through sales as possible.

To date approximately USD $56 million has been paid to artists through 13 Bandcamp Fridays – a staggering amount of money that has been able to provide immeasurable help to those who needed it.

So, it makes sense to keep a good thing going, right?

The next Bandcamp Friday will be kicking off this Friday, August 6th, and will continue until the end of 2021.

“If you’ve started to feel guilty about buying music on any day other than Bandcamp Friday, here’s something to keep in mind,” Bandcamp CEO, Ethan Diamond has said.

“On Bandcamp Fridays, an average of 93 per cent of your money reaches the artist/label (after payment processor fees. When you make a purchase on any other day of the month, an average of 82 per cent reaches the artist/label. Every day is a good day to directly support artists on Bandcamp!”

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