Photo: Sophie McNeil

Blink-182’s Mark Hoppus Shares Update On Stage 4 Cancer Diagnosis

Since first revealing his cancer diagnosis in June, Blink-182‘s Mark Hoppus has been openly sharing his journey with fans.

The 49 year old received waves of support and well wishes from fans around the world since first revealing his diagnosis.

When he first shared the news, Hoppus had been undergoing chemotherapy treatment for three months. And while he acknowledge that he was – understandably – scared, Hoppus told fans he was keeping his attitude positive.

This week, the Blink frontman gave fans another update on how things are going. During a recent Twitch stream, he revealed that he has what is classified as ‘diffuse large B-cell lymphoma’, and that it is currently at Stage 4-A.

“As I understand it, it’s entered four parts of my body,” Hoppus explained.

“I don’t know how exactly they determine the four-part of it, but it’s entered enough parts of my body that I’m Stage 4, which I think is the highest that it goes.”

The cancer which, for Hoppus, is blood – not bone – related. During the same stream, Hoppus shared details of what could happen if his next medical appointment doesn’t give the results he hopes for. The next steps could potentially include a bone marrow transplant but in the meantime, the musician is staying positive.

“Ideally, I go in tomorrow and they say, “Congratulations, your chemotherapy has worked and you are all done and you’ll never have to think about this cancer again for the rest of your life.” I hope.”

“…We’re beating this cancer, it’s just a matter of time.”

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