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Briggs Names & Shames “CFA Volunteer” For Racist Abuse

Rapper, moral compass and straight-up social activist Briggs has once again found himself personally handling the underlying cultural issues that plague Australia. The Shepperton local has publicly named and shamed a supposed volunteer of the Country Fire Authority (CFA) for racist remarks directed towards him online.

The alleged volunteer, Facebook user Paul Mathers, decided it would be a grand idea to voice his racist opinion on Briggs’ official Facebook page, posting, “The only good n**** is a dead n****. That’s what my ancestors did on Australia day.”

It’s unclear what Mathers’ end game was with this comment, given that shortly after, Briggs had taken a screenshot, posted it and tagged him and the CFA in it. Flagging the comments with the CFA, Briggs added that while he’s grateful for the CFA’s work, “This kind of abuse can’t be tolerated.”

In response, the CFA has posted, “Hi Briggs, we take this very seriously and we have no one under that name registered as a CFA member. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.”

The organisation says it has checked its database and spoken to a specific brigade within the organisation “just to be sure”. See Briggs’ post, below.

Thankfully, Mathers appears to be a vocal minority on this one, with torrents of followers condemning his horrible behaviour. That said, it doesn’t matter how few cancerous cells remain, they all have to be removed.

This is the latest in a on-ground battle between Briggs and racism. So far, he’s clashed antlers with the likes of Flight Facilities, as well as the never-ending stream of idiots donning blackface.

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