Chris Brown Charged With Felony Assault

Chris Brown has had that stupid grin wiped off his face once again after being arrested and charged for felony assault after a fight in Washington over the weekend.

According to police, Brown and a male companion got into an altercation with a third man and the incident became violent. Though police have not publicly identified the victim they have confirmed that Brown’s bouncer, 35-year-old Chris Hollosy, was also charged following the incident.

The R&B singer was apparently in town to perform at a club event dubbed “Homecoming Weekend” and was arrested on Sunday at around 4:25am local time outside the prestigious W Hotel.

Area police spokesman Paul Metcalf confirmed that the 24-year-old Brown was involved in “a physical altercation, which resulted in the victim sustaining injuries.”

“A victim was taken to the hospital and treated for his injuries,” said another police spokesman Anthony Clay later, adding that the victim “had injuries to his face”.

Brown and Hollosy will be held under police custody until Monday local time. It’s been reported that the victim has since been discharged from hospital. Police say that the victim’s injuries played a vital role in the severity of the felony charges.

Brown is now on thin ice given that he is still within the 5-year probationary period he received after his assault on then-girlfriend Rihanna in 2009. Just this year, Brown has been involved in several other incidents, including a brawl with Frank Ocean’s crew as well as a hit and run, and was also accused of not attending his court-appointed community service hours.

It’s unclear how this will affect Brown’s freedom, but we’re going to take a stab and say ‘negatively’. More details as they come.

(Via SMH)

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