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Courtney Love Defends Justin Bieber After Nirvana T-Shirt Backlash

Kurt Cobain’s widow, Courtney Love, has defended Justin Bieber after the singer became the target of online backlash for wearing a Nirvana t-shirt to the American Music Awards over the weekend.

Bieber, who walked the red carpet of the AMAs wearing the Nirvana-branded shirt, was hit by both a wave of praise from beliebers and a wave of hate from non-beliebers as images of the shirt started circulating online. Here’s how some people on Twitter responded to the sight of “NIRVANA” on Bieber’s chest:

Since the social media backlash against Bieber’s choice of tee, Love has sent him one tweet which proves she’s cool with the whole thing…

…but her response has gathered a number of interesting responses itself, including:

Earlier this month, Bieber pissed off some parts of the internet even more, by wearing a Metallica t-shirt on The Ellen Show and being spotted out and about in a different Nirvana tee, which means he has multiple Nirvana tees.

With Love throwing her support behind Bieber, she joins the unofficial list of people who you wouldn’t expect to be Bieber fans, which now also includes Deftones’ Chino Moreno and Music Feeds contributor David James Young, who recently penned this feature on “the fall and rise” of Biebs.

As for Bieber’s multiple alleged t-shirt faux pas, it’s probably too late now to say sorry.

Watch: Justin Bieber – Sorry

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