Daniel Johns Reveals Final ‘Aerial Love’ EP Track, ‘Late Night Drive’

Daniel Johns has today unveiled another smooth new track Late Night Drive, the fourth and final song from his debut solo EP, Aerial Love, which is out today.

The melodic electro jam is the EP closer, wrapping up what is our first taste of Johns’ new sonic direction. The song is another Joel Little collaboration, following the EP’s sensual first single and title track Aerial Love.

The other two songs on the four-track EP are the soaring modern pop song Preach, co-written and co-produced by Aussie electronic/hip hop duo Damn Moroda, as well as the similarly soulful Surrender, crafted with producer Styalz Fuego.

Speaking about the new EP recently, Johns said he had written enough new material for a double album, but decided to release a taster EP first before unveiling the debut. The album, he says, is already done.

“There’s a bit of genre-hopping going on but I think it’s all quite cohesive in that it’s really electronic and quite vocal-driven, whereas in the past I’ve tried to hide my vocals quite a bit,” he said in regards to its sound.

Johns also said that while he doesn’t see it happening for a while, he won’t completely rule out returning to the heavier Silverchair sound. “I just get really bored if I’m not trying something new, I don’t see the point in being an artist,” he continued. “So if it’s offensive to some people so be it, I don’t really give a shit.”

The Aerial Love EP is out today.

Listen: Daniel Johns – Late Night Drive

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