These Death-Defying DJs Are Raising Money For Keep Sydney Open By Going Skydiving

A flock of Australia’s finest DJs are taking the Keep Sydney Open campaign to new heights. In an effort to raise money and awareness for the plight of the city’s ailing nightlife, these brave bass-droppers will be launching themselves out of a plane, hundreds of feet above the ground.

Those involved include a selection of disc-spinners known for getting the party started at Subsonic, including Seth Troxler, Dana Ruh, Archie Hamilton and Murat Kilic. They’ll be assisted in the big jump by Sydney Skydivers, which is important for obvious reasons (parachutes).

A GoFundMe campaign has been launched to help collect yo dollars, with all proceeds going to fighting the good fight against Sydney’s diabolical lockout laws by getting pumped directly into the Keep Sydney Open project.

So far, two marches that shook the whole damn city weren’t enough to convince the powers that be that we can be trusted to keep out shit together post-1am. So, in order to make a difference, someone’s going to need to take the plunge.

At the time of writing, the campaign has raised a cool $310 but still need some more help to get that $2,000 target. Over to you, dear readers.

Head here to get involved.

Gallery: Keep Sydney Open Rally – October 2016 / Photos By Ashley Mar

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