At The Drive-In Reunion Haters Are Getting Destroyed By Cedric Bixler-Zavala

With At The Drive-In‘s super-exciting re-reunion now happening for reals, frontman Cedric Bixler-Zavala has brought out the fly swat on Twitter to shut down any haters who think they can rain on the band’s parade.

Since ATDI confirmed their plans to release new music and tour the world yesterday, Bixler-Zavala has been sharing his excitement in the Twittersphere. Here’s what he told fans after getting his twins ready for the day:

But, amid all the celebration and good vibes came, well, some bad vibes:

And then there was this guy, who just wanted to ask Bixler-Zavala a simple question about his old mate Stoner Sloth:

With ATDI having locked in headline dates across Europe for March and April and US dates for March, May and June, Bixler-Zavala has had to reassure fans that the band’s upcoming world tour will stretch far and wide — including (most probably, fingers crossed) Australia… *cough*maybe Splendour*cough*.

ATDI’s 2012 reunion (which included a Splendour In The Grass spot) only lasted 10 shows, and the group’s latest album, Relationship Of Command, dropped back in 2000.

Speaking about the prospect of a new album, ATDI guitarist Omar Rodríguez-López tells Fuse that the band have been sending new material back-and-forth for some time now.

“It’s an ongoing part of our narrative that we really try and celebrate. There’s never been an end goal in mind, besides trying to participate in each other’s lives. The upside to that is that now, as we do start to think more results-oriented — like, how about an album? — we have tons of material to pick from.”

Catch ATDI’s upcoming European and US dates below, and stay tuned to Bixler-Zavala’s Twitter for more fun times.

Watch: At The Drive-In – One Armed Scissor

At The Drive-In - "One Armed Scissor"

EU/UK. Posted by At The Drive In on Thursday, 21 January 2016
USA. Posted by At The Drive In on Thursday, 21 January 2016
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