Ecca Vandal Channels MJ On Pop-Punk Cover Of The Simpsons’ ‘Happy Birthday, Lisa’

Perth pop-punklord Dan Cribb is continuing to punch out new gems in his rolling Simpsons-themed rock cover project, and the latest Springfield ditty to get the Worst. Tribute. Ever. treatment is ‘Happy Birthday, Lisa’.

Covering the 1992 Stark Raving Dad classic is no mean feat, considering the OG was written by one of the greatest musos the world has ever known, AKA Michael Jackson (AKA overweight delusional mental patient Leon Kompowsky in the episode).

So to help him get the job done, Cribb has recruited Melbourne muso Ecca Vandal for the tune, and they’ve even mashed it up with Bart’s — uh — less flattering birthday song for his baby sis (“Lisa, her teeth are gig and green!” etc.).

Their collab marks the Simpsons super-fan’s eighth pop-punk tribute to the beloved series, following such high-paced bar-chord bangers as ‘The Garbage Man Can’ featuring Jen from Ball Park Music, ‘Baby On Board’, ‘Oh, Streetcar!’ ‘Dr. Zaius/Chimpan-A To Chimpan-Z’ featuring Grenadiers’ Jesse Coulter, ‘Flaming Moes’ featuring Alex Lahey, the ‘Scorpio’ theme featuring Luca Brasi’s Tyler Richardson and ‘You’re Checkin’ In’ featuring Jeremy Neale.

Unlike Homer, this is pretty damn insane.

not insane

Stream it — alongside the OG — below.

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