Ed Sheeran’s Rider Allegedly Leaked, And It’s Full Of Fkn Soft Drink

When you’re big enough to headline Glastonbury, you’re big enough to make some seriously ridiculous requests when it comes to your rider.

Ed Sheeran is headlining Glasto this year, but he’s made absolutely zero effort to put together a massive rider of booze and white doves. Instead, he’s asked for soft drink. Bloody soft drink.

His rider has reportedly leaked and it’s basically just soft drink and honey, as Daily Star reports.

He wants Coke, Diet Coke, Fanta, Squash, Sprite and Manuka honey which, minus the honey, is the sort of list we would’ve made for our fifth birthday.

It’s a far cry from Justin Bieber’s rider that leaked earlier this year which included five dishes named after his own songs and 10 luxury sedans.

It all fits very well with his nice guy aesthetic that he wears so well and will no doubt have even more mothers thinking that he’s a responsible young man. He’ll also be touring Australia this year and his concert promoters will no doubt be thrilled with this very simple requests.

On ya Ed, enjoy your softies.

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