Exclusive: Grinspoon ‘Black Rabbits’ Studio Footage

Music Feeds has a huge exclusive for you – and if you love Grinspoon, you’ll absolutely lap this up.

We have got exclusive streaming of the first three of five episodes on the making of the band’s new record Black Rabbits, which will be out at the end of this month.

The album was recorded in Burbank, California with producer Dave Shiffman, and it features oodles of footage of the guys in the studio laying down tracks, and behind-the-scenes interviews with each band member.

The first episode, which you can watch below, gives us an insight into the pre-production process of the record, with guitarist Pat Davern mentioning that they had been “going hard for about 12 months to get us to here”.

We also get to see how quickly the band and Shiffman bonded in the studio and the mutual respect they developed for one another.

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 2 sees Grinspoon opening up about their experience recording Black Rabbits at The Bank recording studio in Burbank, California. The band describes the space as a working studio, cosy enough to make the Australian lads feel at home while providing an intimate environment that keeps the band actively interacting, resulting in greater collaboration.

Phil, Joe, Kristian and Pat also discuss the band’s efforts to capture the raw energy of a live recording by performing their parts in one complete take, even if it meant starting a song from scratch when mistakes were made.

Episode 3

Part 3, and we are all about writing. The boys detail just how they compiled potential tracks for the album. Some agree, some disagree that it’s a competitive vibe when it comes to writing songs, as all members contribute their own material. Upon entering the next stages of producing the album, the band had around 50 different tracks, 15 or so each, and of course, everyone wanted their song on the record, and as Phil explains, “We all start pitching but it doesn’t really happen until someone writes something good and you are like…oh…I better start writing”

Regardless, the overall view of the band’s writing process is positive, a ‘healthy rivalry’ and sharing the load. The guys touch on some of the differences in vocal melodies and scales between this release, and their previous one. More on that coming in #4.

Pre-order Black Rabbits on iTunes NOW!

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