Image Via Facebook / Callum Rule Photography

FFS, Another Beloved Sydney Venue Is Closing Down

Look guys, we take no joy in bringing you the bad news or perpetuating the pessimistic “Sydney’s nightlife is dying” mantra, but YET ANOTHER beloved watering hole is closing its doors and it’s hard not to feel like this is becoming a frigging epidemic.

We regret to inform y’all that Bar Century, long-celebrated as “the last surviving bastion of the $3 Drink”, will not survive the summer.

Sydneysiders’ favourite sticky-floored bastion of cheap bevvies has officially called last drinks, announcing that it will close its doors on February 14th.

“We’ve had some good times, some bad smells, and lost our left shoe on the sticky dancefloor, and it’ll be a sad day to know the reliable BC will be gone for good,” the venue owners posted on Facebook.

As Time Out reflects, the divey metal bar above the Hungry Jacks on George Street thrived throughout the noughties, and could always be relied upon to have ABC’s Rage blaring into the wee hours so that you could headbang to Gwar and TISM videos while sipping on your $3 vodka OJ.

It was a simpler time, when you were still free to rock on in at 2.30am and spend your last $10 bucks on a round for your mates.

The venue owners have not specified a reason for bar’s sudden closure, nor have they indicated whether it might have anything to do with the city’s lockout laws, which since their implementation have claimed the scalps of numerous venues such as this onethis one, this one, this one, this one and oh yeah this one.

Bar Century does, however, fall inside the lockout zone.

You can show your love for the old girl on Valentines Day by stopping by to give her a fond farewell.

“In typical fashion however we’ll be going out with a bang, with a whole bunch of DJs and live acts…” the venue owners announced. “Come say goodbye, have one last dance, and lets see off our favourite bar in true Bar Century style.”

Music Feeds has contacted the owners for further comment.

Meanwhile, if you need some cheering up, it’s good to remember that – even though a crapload of venues have been gutted by the city’s lockout laws, a counter-culture is alive and well and thriving around local music haunts like Hunter Street’s Frankies Pizza By The Slice, Oxford Street’s Brighton Up Bar and Newtown’s Sly Fox.

Still pissed off? The lockout laws are up for review this month so you can help do something about it by flooding Premier Mike Baird with angry emails right now.

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