Future Of The Left New Album Coming Soon!

“Always angry. Always loud. Always spikey. Always proud.”, reported NME, and I couldn’t have put it better myself! The Welsh band Future of the Left have announced that they will be releasing their third album in Australia on June 8, titled The Plot Against Common Sense. It will be released with record label Xtra Mile Recordings, and it comprises 15 tracks.

Here is the first track off the album:

Most of the songs and their titles on the new album are about the band hitting out against what has happened over the past year, in particular: the Olmypics (Failed Olympic bid), rioting (City of Exploded Children), bankruptcy of the movie industry (Robocop 4 – Fuck Off Robocop) and mainstream culture (Notes on Achieving Orbit).

Their single Sheena is a T-Shirt Salesman has got onto some heavy rotation with radio stations such as Radio 1, XFM, 6Music and Kerrang! Radio.

The band will be touring in the UK, Scotland and Ireland from June to August.

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